Lazy Loading

Stores can be lazy-loaded easily by importing the NgxsModule using the forFeature method. All the other syntax for how you import and describe them are the same. For example:

  imports: [
export class LazyModule{}

It's important to note when lazy-loading a store, it is registered in the global state so this state object will now be persisted globally. Even though it's available globally, you should only use it within that feature module so you make sure not to create dependencies on things that could not be loaded yet.

You probably defined a AppState interface that represents the global state graph but since we lazy loaded this we can't really include that in the definition. To handle this, let's extend the AppState and use that in our a component like:

export interface AppStateModel {
  zoos: Zoo[];

export interface OfficesStateModel extends AppStateModel {
  offices: Office[];

Now when we use our Select in our lazy loaded feature module, we can use OfficesState.

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