Error Handling

Handling errors within selectors

@State({ ... })
class AppState {
  static getCount(state: StateModel) {
    return state.count.number.value;

Let's take a look at the below example:{}); // reset all states

The catch is that when resetting the entire state, the object will no longer have those deeply nested properties (state.count.number.value). Given the following code:

const state = {};

function getCount() {
  return state.count.number.value;

const count = getCount(); // will throw

RxJS will automatically complete the stream under the hood if any error is thrown.

You have to disable suppressing errors using the suppressErrors option:

  imports: [
    NgxsModule.forRoot([CountState], {
      selectorOptions: {
        suppressErrors: false
export class AppModule {}

This option allows to track errors and handle them.

@State({ ... })
class AppState {
  static getCount(state: StateModel) {
    try {
      return state.count.number.value;
    } catch (error) {
      console.log('error', error);
      // throw error;
      // Automatic unsubscription will occur if you use the `throw` statement here. Skip it if you don't want the stream to be completed on error.

Why does RxJS unsubscribe on error?

RxJS design guidelines provides a great explanation of this behavior.

Last updated